lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Cuento: Poppet's tale

-Objetivos: -Establecer diferencias entre grande/pequeño.
                      -Aprender nuevo vocabulario en inglés.
                      -Feedback sobre los colores.
                      -Feedback sobre los animales.

-Edad a la que va dirigido: A partir de 4-5 años.

-Dónde y cuándo: En el aula, después de "La Asamblea".

-Materiales: Cuento y mascota.

-Procedimiento: Los niños están sentados en la colchoneta. La educadora, contará el cuento enseñando los dibujos a los niños. 

"Once upon a time in Africa, there was a baby elephant.
His name was Poppet. One day his mum cried “Run!”
Poppet did not understand. “Why?” he asked her.
“Because I saw a mouse!” his mum said “and all elephants
are scared of mice!”
“What’s a mouse?” Poppet asked. He went into the jungle.
“Are you a mouse?” “No, I’m a frog”. “No, I’m a lizard!”
“No, I’m a beetle!”. “No, I’m a caterpillar!”
Poppet looked for mice near the river.
“Are you a mouse?” “No, I’m a snake!”
Poppet found an animal in the grass.
“Are you a mouse?” “Yes! My name’s Momo”.
“Elephants are scared of mice” Momo said “because we’re small!”
“Mice like running into holes… and elephants have holes in their
Trunks!” “Ugh!” Poppet said. “Don’t be scared!” Momo said.
“Mice don’t like running into elephants trunks. But can i look inside
Yours?” Momo asked. Poppet was scared. But Momo did not go
Into his trunks. Then, Poppet sneezed. “A…a…choooo!”
Mum adn the elephants came. When the saw Momo near Poppet’s
Trunk they were unhappy. They were angry with Poppet and scared of Momo.
Poppete said, “Momo’s my friend. Look!” Momo slowly walked up the outside of

Poppet’s trunk! “Hooray!” everyone cried, “mice are nice!".

Tras contar el cuento, presentará a Pimkie, la mascota, que explicará a los niños las diferencias que existen entre grande y pequeño a través de los distintos dibujos que hay en el cuento; por ejemplo: " The elephant is big and the mouse is small " And how is the beetle?? Big or small?. Después, los niños cantarán junto a Pimkie, la siguiente canción:

"Can I look inside your trunk?
This is fun!
Now I´m walking up your trunk
Hooray, hooray
Mice are nice!"

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