-Conocer el vocabulario correspondiente a los alimentos.
-Desarrollar la escucha activa.
-Trabajar los números.
-Edad a la que va dirigido: A partir de 4-5 años.
-Dónde y cuándo: En el aula justo antes de comer, ya que nos sirve para introducir la hora de la comida.
-Materiales: Cuento.
-Procedimiento: Sentaremos a los niños en las colchonetas. La educadora leerá el cuento.
"Jack was jolly hungry. Dad was cooking the dinner.
How many potatoes do you want for your dinner? -he called from the kitchen.
Jack just thought. He thought jolly hungry thoughts.
Maybe one potato thought Jack. Then chips and chocolate ice-cream.
Or two potatoes with three fishfingers, tomato ketchup and baked beans.
Jack's belly began to rumble.
He thought same more. How about four big baked potatoes followed by five
sizzling sausages with spaghetti, chips and a cola?
Then maybe, six red apples, seven ripe bananas and yellow custard.
After that he would eat eight king-size chocolate bars and a bit of cheese.
Jack could smell dinner cooking in the kitchen.
No, maybe he would have nine burguers with ten burguers buns.
The last bun he would dip in a big mug of cocoa.
After that, maybe lots at lovely lime jelly...
Suddenly Dad called from the kitchen.
Jack! How many potatoes do you want for your dinner?
Jack felt jolly sick.
Just one potato, please -he said quietly".
Después de contar la historia, la educadora explicarás el vocabulario y hará preguntas sobre el cuento.
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